Rights & Respect, Issue 3.

Strengthening the Urban-Rural Indigenous Wellness Continuum
Significant gaps exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Life expectancy for Indigenous peoples is an astounding 15 to 20 years shorter than that of those non-Indigenous. Of the 1.8 million Indigenous people living in Canada in 2021, 18.8 percent lived in a low-income household, nearly double that of the non-Indigenous population; about one-third of First Nations people living on reserve live in a low-income household. Inadequate housing conditions are a major issue, with Indigenous people being three times more likely to live in a dwelling in need of major repairs, and two times more likely to live in crowded housing.
Speakers: Anita Huberman (Surrey Board of Trade), Chief David Jimmie (Squiala Nation), Jocelyn Formsma (National Association of Friendship Centres) and Trent Zacharias (Cenovus Energy)
Session sponsored by Cenovus